
Report An Absence
Report An Absence
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Absence Information
Absence Information
Absence Information
It is very important that a parent or guardian notifies the office whenever a child is absent. When there is no verification within three (3) school days, the absence is considered unexcused. If a student accrued more than three (3) or more unexcused absences, the student is considered to be truant (Ed Code 48260). Please phone the office and any time to report your child’s absence. When leaving a message, please state your child’s name, your name, date of absence, and reason. Thank you for your help in clearing up all student absences!
A student is tardy when he/she arrives in the classroom after the bell rings at 8:15 a.m. A student is considered habitually tardy when he/she receives three (3) or more unexcused tardies per trimester. A student is truant when he/she arrives unexcused 30 minutes after the bell rings.
If a student is tardy, he/she must check in to the office to receive a tardy slip. School personnel will consider the circumstances and reasons for each tardy and determine whether the tardy is excused or unexcused. Minimal excused tardiness is understandable. The student will be expected to make up missed work without penalty. Unexcused and/or excessive tardiness is inappropriate and may result in referral to the School Attendance Review Board (SARB).
All excused tardies must be accompanied by a doctor’s note.
Short-Term Independent Study
If you plan on being absent for three (3) or more consecutive days you have the option to go on short-term ISP. You may do this a maximum of fifteen (15) days per school year. You must notify the office at least a week before leaving and have your ISP contract signed before leaving All work is due one week upon returning.